Shoes for Kids
Shoes for Kids actively engages with local schools, community centers, and social organizations, raising awareness about the significance of proper footwear and advocating for the overall well-being of children.

Yolanda’s Shoe Closet
Stay tuned for exciting details of our next venture for the Houston East End community!

Valeria's Jackets
The gift of a high-quality coat can mean so much more than comfort for a child in need. It can be a gift of hope. Let them know there are people who care, and there is hope for a bright future, no matter your current circumstances.
NABA Spotlight
Featured Event
Shoe Fitting
Thursday, December 12, 2024
University of Houston -Downtown
University of Houston -Downtown
Over the years this event has provided well over 30,000 pairs of shoes. The "Shoes For Kids" program is now up to 2,300 participating children. That's close to about 5,000 feet that are kept warm, dry, and comfortable, each year because of our great donors and volunteers.
Sponsor Highlight
Perry Homes
The Perry Homes Foundation provides support to various humanitarian organizations through the execution of fundraising events, the collection of internal and external donations, and through Perry Homes employee volunteer efforts. One such organization that the Foundation supports every year is the Navigation Area Business Association ("NABA").
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